Effectively address your conditions using a combination of supplements, foods, and medications.
Optimize your well-being by identifying nutritional gaps, assessing mitochondrial health, understanding neurotransmitter connections, and evaluating detoxification capacity, all aimed at illness prevention and enhancing longevity.
Alleviate various autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, etc. via addressing factors including genetics, immune dysfunction, gut health, environment, and lifestyle. The focus is on uncovering the triggers behind autoimmunity.
Are you struggling with issues like SIBO, SIFO, IBS, or unusual gastrointestinal symptoms that have proven resistant to conventional medications? Are you finding yourself caught in a cycle of receiving more medications to counteract the side effects of the original ones?
Numerous studies underline the pivotal role of intestinal permeability as a conduit for the development of numerous chronic ailments.
If you've struggled with PMS, PCOS, peri- or menopause symptoms without relief from birth control or even natural remedies, the issue may be more complex than just hormone excess or deficiency. Hormones involve synthesis, transport, receptor sensitivity, metabolism and excretion - many potential points of imbalance.
Are you grappling with ongoing fatigue, fibromyalgia, brain fog, or gastrointestinal issues without finding clear answers? Mold toxicity might just hold the key to unraveling these mysteries. Treating mold illness is akin to peeling an onion – it involves a methodical layer-by-layer approach. Sometimes, a combination of herbal and prescription antifungals becomes essential.
There are tons of medical and holistic weight loss programs out there, so....
How Am I Different from Other Programs?

Personalized Approach: Tailored solutions based on your unique health profile.
Medical Integration: In addition, if necessary, medications can be prescribed to aid your weight loss journey, setting this program apart with a unique blend of holistic methods and medical expertise.
Results-Driven Holistic Transformation:
  • Tangible results that go beyond numbers on a scale, emphasizing a holistic transformation.
Neurotransmitters play a pivotal role in shaping mental acuity, emotional states, sensitivity to pain, and vitality. Common neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and glutamate influence our mental health and performance. Imbalances in these chemical signals can manifest as conditions like anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, brain fog, and chronic fatigue.
This service is for those needing a medication refill because their primary care provider's availability is months away.
Minor concerns entail 1-2 complaints such as coughs, colds, and UTIs, typically necessitating just 1-2 prescriptions and/or supplements.
Refillable prescriptions include:
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Nutrition plays a vital role in the proper functioning of all body systems. Inadequate nutrition is a contributing factor to various chronic ailments. If you're dealing with issues such as depression, heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatigue, weight problems, or general dietary concerns, nutritional testing can help identify the underlying causes.

Genova's nutritional testing (NutrEval) goes beyond conventional labs, offering a comprehensive assessment. This includes tailored recommendations for amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, digestive support, and other essential nutrients. The testing process also sheds light on potential toxic exposures and evaluates your body's ability to counteract these toxins.

A comprehensive annual blood/serum panel includes: Complete blood count (CBC), comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), hsCRP, homocysteine, vitamin D, iron panel, ferritin, A1C, fasting insulin, full thyroid panel, uric acid, basic lipid panel (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT).

Additional panels will be based on assessment. Commonly ordered screenings include:
*Female cancer panel: CA 125 (ovarian cancer), CA 15-3 (breast cancer), CA 19-9 (GI cancer).
*Male cancer panel: CA 19-9, Free PSA & Total PSA (prostate cancer)
*Generalized Autoimmune: ANA screen w/ 11 ANA components. Detects the presence of clinically relevant circulating autoantibodies in serum. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are present in systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren’s Syndrome, scleroderma, mixed connective tissue disease, drug induced lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Commonly utilized tests to delve into these underlying causes:
  • Bloodwork: Complete blood count (CBC), comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), inflammatory markers like hsCRP, homocysteine, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A, iron panel, ferritin.
  • Full Thyroid panel: TSH, free T3, free T4, reverse T3, thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (Tg) antibodies
  • Autoantibodies: Tissue transglutaminase (tTG), anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP, anti-dsDNA, etc.
  • Intestinal permeability: Anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS), anti-zonulin, anti-occludin
  • Comprehensive stool analysis: Identify gut infections, microbiome balance, digestive function, inflammation
  • Organic acids: Assess cellular metabolism, detoxification, oxidative stress, glutathione
  • Food sensitivity testing: IgG and IgA antibodies to foods
  • Nutrient testing: Micronutrients, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals to identify deficiencies
  • Hormone testing: Cortisol, DHEA, melatonin to assess adrenal function
  • Cytokine profile: Levels of different inflammatory mediators
  • Heavy metals and toxins: Hair, urine, or blood testing for exposure

When the integrity of the intestinal lining is compromised, larger molecules can escape the confines of the gut, prompting an immune response. This cascade of events can eventually lead to persistent inflammation and even autoimmune conditions.
In such scenarios, the implementation of a comprehensive stool testing method like GI Effects offers a robust toolkit to delve into a wide array of biomarkers concerning digestion, absorption, inflammation, immunology, balance of the gut microbiome, and potential infections. This sophisticated testing not only helps unearth the underlying triggers contributing to intestinal permeability, also recognized as leaky gut syndrome, but also illuminates pathways towards its resolution.
Personalized treatment plans may incorporate an elimination diet, microbial balancing, gut-soothing nutrients, stress reduction, and more.
Over time, this functional approach repairs intestinal permeability and restores proper immune function. As the gut barrier is healed, many downstream symptoms and diseases driven by leaky gut syndrome also begin to resolve. Comprehensive stool analysis opens the door to targeted interventions that address root causes of leaky gut rather than just suppressing symptoms

A DUTCH test examines hormone metabolites and provides targeted insights into where your particular imbalances arise. This gives us clues to correctly target the specific metabolism pathways involved.
Comprehensive blood spot/serum sex hormone panel includes: Different types of estrogen (estrone, estradiol, estriol), total and free testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA-sulfate, prolactin
Because thyroid plays a crucial role in sex hormones and also in fertility, a full thyroid panel is often assessed.
A diurnal cortisol pattern is often recommended because cortisol is a vital hormone that regulates key physiological functions, such as metabolism, immune responses, and stress adaptation. Stress-induced cortisol spikes can cause issues like irregular menstrual cycles, disrupted ovulation, and, in extreme cases, amenorrhea (absence of periods) in women.

Best Testing Methods for Different Types of Hormone Deliveries:
Choosing the right testing method for your hormones is crucial for effective supplementation. If you use the wrong method, the test results might not show how well your body is absorbing the supplemented hormone. This can lead to incorrect dosing.
  • Serum: This method can't tell the difference between hormones that are free and those that are attached to proteins. Hormones need to go through some changes to work properly, and only the free ones can enter cells and do their job. This method IS NOT often used for checking topical hormone supplementation. However, it can provide a comprehensive overview of the body's hormone concentrations and imbalances.
  • Blood Spot: This method is highly suitable for a WIDE RANGE OF HORMONE DELIVERY routes, including oral, topical, and sublingual administration. It involves the assessment of hormones using a small blood sample obtained from a finger prick. Additionally, it offers the advantage of effectively evaluating parameters such as vitamins, thyroid hormones, and other relevant biomarkers. Its practicality is particularly noteworthy in situations where easy access to a laboratory setting is limited.
  • Saliva: This method is great for checking sex and adrenal hormones (such as diurnal cortisol pattern). It is good for TOPICAL and ORAL hormone administration, but NOT for sublingual/troche options.
  • Urine: Accurate for assessing hormone metabolism (how your body get hormones out of the body).
Bioidentical hormones, structurally similar to the body's natural hormones, are preferred over synthetic hormones due to their compatibility, individualization, and extensive research backing their safety and effectiveness. Bioidentical hormones can be customized to match a person's unique hormonal needs, and studies suggest a reduced likelihood of certain adverse effects compared to some synthetic options.
Commencing with urine mycotoxin test, the presence of mycotoxins in the body is confirmed to assess the extent of mold-related illness. Identifying and avoiding sources of mold exposure is crucial. Simultaneously, emphasis is placed on maintaining and supporting detoxification and the immune system through various modalities (collaboration with local practitioners might be required). Nutritional support is vital, as certain foods are unsuitable for those affected by mold toxicity.
Due to molds and mycotoxins suppressing the immune system, prolonged exposure might result in co-infections emerging. As such, an effective mold treatment protocol isn't standardized; however, a skilled practitioner can design an individualized plan suited to your circumstances.
???? Who Is This For?
This program is crafted for individuals who:
  1. Struggle with overweight/obesity and seek a holistic approach.
  2. Experience anxiety, depression, fatigue, or stubborn abdominal fat.
  3. Aim to prevent future health problems through proactive wellness.
  4. Desire to understand and overcome weight resistance challenges.
???? Who Is This Not For?
This program may not be suitable for those:
  1. Seeking quick fixes or fad diets without a commitment to lasting change.
  2. Unwilling to embrace a holistic approach that considers overall well-being.
  3. Not open to collaboration and personalized strategies tailored to individual needs.
  4. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with active gallbladder disease, active cancer or eating disorders
???? How Much Weight Will I Lose?
The weight loss in this program is personalized and gradual, aiming for a sustainable 1-2 pounds per week. Your unique health goals and progress will guide the pace of your journey.

???? Is the Weight Loss Sustainable?
Absolutely. Sustainability is a core focus. Beyond shedding weight, the program equips you with the tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle, preventing the cycle of weight regain. It's about fostering enduring well-being.

Neurotransmitters also have complex interactions with hormones. For example, imbalances in adrenal hormones or sex hormones can disrupt neurotransmitter levels, and vice versa. This interconnection makes testing both neurotransmitters and hormones vital for getting a comprehensive picture.
Measuring urine metabolites provides objective data on the status of key neurotransmitters and their precursors. This allows practitioners to identify deficiencies or excesses contributing to symptoms. It also enables customized treatment plans that target root causes through nutrition, supplements, medication, and lifestyle changes.
In summary, neurotransmitter testing sheds light on the inner chemical workings that shape mood and wellbeing. It empowers both patient and practitioner to address imbalances at their biological source. When combined with hormone profiles, the result is personalized protocols for lasting mental health and vitality

  • Blood pressure medications
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs
  • Diabetes medications
  • Thyroid medications
Some prescriptions may not be eligible for refills at this visit. These include:
  • Medications you take daily that were last used 45 days or more ago.
  • Prescriptions from providers you haven't seen in over 15 months. They need to re-assess your condition.
  • Medications with refills remaining. Please use those first.
  • Narcotics or pain medications.
  • Medications for migraines or episodic conditions.

  • Address 1-2 acute symptoms like cough, cold, or urinary tract infection, etc. Both medications and supplements might be used to address acute symptoms.
  • Lab Ordering & Interpretations: Facilitate the ordering and interpretation of up to 13 conventional lab groups or markers.
  • No Functional/Specialty Lab Interpretations
  • Disclaimer: Should the condition require urgent care or a visit to the emergency department, the consultation fee will apply even if no prescription or labs were prescribed.
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